
Infection and Immunity nieuws

Infection and Immunity nieuws

Patricia Bruijning-Verhagen appointed professor of vaccination and infection control epidemiology

Portrait picture of Patricia Bruijning, professor of vaccination and infection control epidemiology

Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht have announced the appointment of Patricia Bruijning-Verhagen as professor of vaccination and infection control epidemiology, effective June 1, 2024. This position will enable Patricia to continue her work in designing and evaluating optimal infection prevention policies through vaccination and other innovative strategies. Her appointment comes at a crucial time, as the world faces the dual challenge of emerging infectious diseases and an expanding portfolio of vaccines.

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June 3: Life span of lymphocytes further unraveled

In her PhD thesis, Carina Bruckmaier (UMC Utrecht) explored lymphocyte dynamics in various tissue sites in homeostasis and during imbalanced states. In particular, her research on the life span of some of the lymphocyte subcategories revealed some interesting new insights.

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May 29: Unveiling the mysteries of smell: research on COVID-19-related smell loss

During the COVID-19 pandemic – especially during the first wave of infections- a large number of people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus reported a sudden loss of smell. Dutch investigators quickly set up a series of studies on diagnosis, pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical course and treatment of COVID-19-induced loss of smell. The PhD thesis by Emma Schepens (UMC Utrecht) provides some interesting and valuable insights on this unexpected clinical finding.

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May 27: New research provides further evidence that pediatric uveitis is a systemic immune disease

Pediatric uveitis might be a manifestation of a disease that affects not only the eye but also the systemic immune system and microcirculation. Therefore, it is important to adopt a multidisciplinary approach in the management of pediatric uveitis patients to provide the best possible care. These were the main takeaways from the PhD research by Carlyn Kouwenberg from UMC Utrecht.

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Alternatives to antibiotics: Adapting phages to overcome bacterial defense barriers

3D rendering of bacteriophage

Collaborating researchers from University Medical Center Utrecht and Delft University of Technology have received funding from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to develop more broadly acting bacteriophages. With help of such adapted phages, the researchers want to overcome bacterial defense barriers, which are important mechanisms in the bacterial resistance against bacteriophages.

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Study of new treatment for severe influenza pneumonia

Van elke vijf patiënten die met ernstige longontsteking door influenza op de intensive care (IC) worden opgenomen, overlijdt er gemiddeld één. Om dit relatief hoge risico op overlijden te verlagen, gaan Nederlandse onderzoekers onder leiding van UMC Utrecht geneesmiddelen die eerder succesvol waren bij de behandeling van patiënten met ernstige Covid-19 op de IC terecht kwamen, nu ook onderzoeken bij IC-patiënten met ernstige longontsteking door influenza. ZonMw heeft voor deze studie een subsidie van ruim € 2.1 miljoen beschikbaar gesteld.

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Apr 23: Existing drugs now available in study for patients with rare immune diseases

Hand of a man with rheumatoid arthritis

This DRIMID study will investigate the efficacy and safety of the drug filgotinib (approved for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis) in three rare immune diseases (Behçet's disease, idiopathic inflammatory myositis, IgG4-related disease)

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Apr 15: "The Next Step" - Jeanette Leusen's inaugural lecture

On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, Jeanette Leusen, professor of Antibody Therapy at Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht, delivered her inaugural lecture. There she addressed the discovery, development and clinical application of antibodies. Partly due to the research of Jeanette and her group, antibodies based on immunoglobulin A (IgA) also appear to have great potential as a next generation treatment option in cancer, and perhaps also in infectious diseases. A first drug candidate is now ready for the next step: a ‘first-in-human’ study, but this will require more investment.

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Apr 8: British GPs too often write repeat prescriptions for antibiotics for respiratory infections

Research into repeat prescriptions for antibiotics for respiratory infections by GPs has shown that they are widely prescribed in the UK, despite evidence that they provide little benefit to the patient. Researchers (from the universities of Bristol and Bath, King's College London and UMC Utrecht) are therefore calling for repeat prescriptions to be reduced and that they are specifically targeted in interventions to promote rational antibiotic use.

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Apr 3: In vitro studies for a better understanding of bacteriophage-bacteria interactions

PhD research by Julia Egido Egido (UMC Utrecht) has shown in in vitro studies that bacteriophages may act synergistically with certain antibiotics to kill bacteria. On the other hand, she found that the human complement system can inhibit certain phages in vitro which may compromise their antibacterial activity. These findings provide new insights that are helpful in the development of phage therapy.

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Working at UMC Utrecht





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