Profile photo Frank Visseren

Frank Visseren

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Frank Visseren (1965) is Internist, Epidemiologist and Professor in Vascular Medicine at the University Medical Center in Utrecht. He is head of the Department of Vascular Medicine and responsible for patient care, research, and teaching. The Department of Vascular Medicine at the UMC Utrecht consists of Internists, Fellows, Research Nurses and PhD students. His main research interest is in the field of insulin resistance and vascular diseases and consists of basic, translational and epidemiologic research covering etiology, therapy, prognosis and diagnosis. There is a focus on (visceral) adipose tissue and development of atherosclerosis, atherotrombosis and diabetes. An other research focus is on translating the results of large clinical trials to invidivual patients, in collaboration with (inter)national partners. He is (co-)author of over 300 publications and associate editor of 2 scientific journals. The GCP certified research unit of the Department of Vascular Medicine performs state-of-the-art non-invasive vascular imaging tests including FMD, FBF, PWV, fingertip plethysmography,...

Recent publications

Sex differences in modifiable risk factors for stroke incidence and recurrence Ina Rissanen, Maartje Basten, Lieza G Exalto, Sanne A E Peters, Frank L J Visseren, Mirjam I Geerlings,
Journal of Neurology, 2024, vol. 271, p.3347-3358
Association between lower extremity arterial calcification and coronary arterial calcification in a population at increased risk of cardiovascular disease Romain Meer, Anna G. Hoek, Emma J. Bouman, Teddo Doesburg, Petra J.M. Elders, P. A. de Jong, Joline Beulens, M. J. Cramer, H. M. Nathoe, M. G. van der Meer, G. J. de Borst, M. Teraa, M. L. Bots, M. van Smeden, M. H. Emmelot-Vonk, P. A. de Jong,...
Plasma lipids in Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (PXE) patients Iris M Harmsen, Frank L J Visseren, Madeleine Kok, Pim A de Jong, Wilko Spiering
Atherosclerosis Plus, 2024, vol. 55, p.5-11
Prediction of Severe Baseline Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis and Subsequent Risk of Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease Michiel H.F. Poorthuis, Steven H.J. Hageman, Aernoud T.L. Fiolet, L. Jaap Kappelle, Michiel L. Bots, Ph Gabriel Steg, Frank L.J. Visseren, Deepak L. Bhatt, Gert J. De Borst
Stroke, 2024, vol. 55, p.2632-2640
Effect of dietary patterns on cardiovascular risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes. A systematic review and network meta-analysis N. E. Bonekamp, I. van Damme, J. M. Geleijnse, R. M. Winkels, F. L.J. Visseren, P. B. Morris, C. Koopal
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2023, vol. 195
Variability in benefit from intensive insulin therapy on cardiovascular events in individuals with type 1 diabetes Marga A.G. Helmink, Steven H.J. Hageman, Frank L.J. Visseren, Wendela L. de Ranitz-Greven, Harold W. de Valk, Thomas T. van Sloten, Jan Westerink
Diabetic Medicine, 2023, vol. 40, p.1-10

External positions

Member National guideline committee Cardio Vascular Risk management (CVRM) - ja - National guideline committee (CVRM)

Lid richtlijn commissie addendum dyslipidemie bij de richtlijn CVRM - De inhoud van deze richtlijn valt binnen het expertise gebied van de Vasculaire Geneeskunde - Kennisinstituut Medisch Specialisten en de...