Cardiovascular education
The strategic program invests considerably in the development of educational tools for and teaching of different target groups. Moreover, the strategic program offers career prospects for students in the final phase of their education and for professionals.

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Education uitklapper, klik om te openen
The Circulatory Health Research Center is strongly embedded in academic teaching within the curricula of the bachelors biomedical sciences (BMW), medicine (GNK), and clinical sciences (ZG&S), the premaster clinical health sciences (KGW) and master programs Biology of Disease (BoD), Regenerative Medicine and Technology (RMT), Drug Innovation (DI). In addition, the Circulatory Health Research Center adheres to the research and education philosophy of the New Utrecht School (DNUS). We offer various courses, including Utrecht Summer School, University College and PhD courses. In addition, teachers from the Circulatory Health Research Center are involved in external teaching, including the Papendal courses organized by the Dutch Heart Foundation.
The educational tasks of our teachers mostly include coordination of courses, providing (interactive) lectures, supervising working groups and tutorials, and supervising students during internships. In addition, researchers/teachers of the Circulatory Health Research Center are part of a number of education-, selection- and examination boards.
Internships uitklapper, klik om te openen
We often have bachelor and master internship positions available within the Circulatory Health Research Center. UU students can search and apply for an internship through the Konjoin platform.
Students uitklapper, klik om te openen
Within the various Utrecht (bio)medical programs, a lot of attention is given to cardiovascular education. The Circulatory Health Research Center is closely involved in the development and implementation of this education. In addition to theoretical education, the (bio)medical programs also offer students many opportunities to contribute to cardiovascular research through research internships.
(Bio)medical professionals uitklapper, klik om te openen
Within the strategic program, we contribute in various ways to the further professional development of our (bio)medical professionals. For example, there is a monthly lecture cycle (Jongbloed seminars) in which (inter)national experts discuss aspects of cardiovascular research. In addition, master classes and grand rounds are organized, where (medical) specialists interactively discuss their research and patient cases.
The Circulatory Health Research Center has also developed different online courses for medical specialists and general practitioners, for example a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on "Advanced Heart Failure" and an online course about Cardiovascular Epidemiology.