Aligning AI initiatives
Health AI Labs
Aligning AI initiatives
Health AI Labs

AI Labs at UMC Utrecht

At the Health AI Labs, UMC Utrecht collaborates with public and private organisations as well as other knowledge institutions on societal issues pertaining to AI and data science.

About Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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Data science in general, and artificial intelligence (AI) including machine learning in particular, will fundamentally transform society, including the healthcare sector. AI is expected to become an integral part of our daily health, healthcare, health research, and health education. It will impact everyone: patients, citizens, employees, teachers, and students. Diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, treatment, monitoring and screening of health and diseases will all be impacted. For the UMC Utrecht, this means that the way of working, doing research and providing education will change significantly. Data Science and AI will therefore become a focus of our health(care) research and education in the coming era.

Aligning AI initiatives

The UMC Utrecht aims to be a leading expertise and research center for AI in health(care), nationally and internationally. Our data science and AI activities are developed throughout the UMC Utrecht and embedded in our organisational structure. Besides optimizing and streamlining our already existing data science expertise at UMC Utrecht, we also aim to create a sustainable data science infrastructure.  With this focus, UMC Utrecht will establish long term collaborations with relevant national and international private and public parties.

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The UMC Utrecht data science program aims to integrate data science and AI into daily healthcare, health research, and health education. It also focuses on establishing a collaborative community and infrastructure for "AI in Health" between UMC Utrecht and Utrecht University (UU), while setting up five "Health AI labs" within the Utrecht Life Sciences community.

The UMC Utrecht data science program includes:

  • making data science and AI embedded in our daily health care, health research, and health education aligned with our regional, national, and international partners within ten years;
  • establish a sustainable collaborative UMC Utrecht-UU ‘AI in Health’ community and infrastructure ;
  • establish 5 ‘Health AI labs’ at the UMC Utrecht and the UU, within the Utrecht Life Sciences community;
  • attract and retain data science and AI talent, both from public and private parties.

The themes of the Health AI Labs represent the data science and AI research expertise and will cover existing and future novel projects aligned with the UMC Utrecht and UU (& ULS) strategies.

Health AI Labs at UMC Utrecht



Driving methodological innovations for AI development and implementation in medicine. We focus on research questions in AI, collaborate with experts, provide guidance to developers and end-users, and support other UMC Utrecht AI labs. Together, we advance responsible healthcare utilization.

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Healthy Living

Using artificial intelligence to prevent disease, focus on prevention, and encourage healthy lifestyles.

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Imaging and Image Guided Interventions

Developing novel AI components for disease diagnosis and interventions, advancing clinical practice through collaboration and implementation.

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Molecular Science & Advanced Diagnostics and Therapies

Leverages AI to analyze molecular data, advancing precision medicine. Through collaboration, we develop powerful models to unlock the potential of vast cohorts and biobanks.

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Living Technologies

Combining AI and living cell technologies to advance personalized, regenerative, and curative treatments. They enable automation, data analysis, and modeling for impactful applications in biology and healthcare.

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For general inquiries about the Health AI labs at UMC Utrecht, you can contact:

Carl Moons - Coordinator
Peter Luijten - Vice Dean Utrecht Life Science, University Utrecht
Harry Pijl - Program Manager
Roëlle de Koning - Program Manager

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