
Teaching with Society #2: Dealing with Diversity

Start date and time - 29 May 2019 - 15:30
End date and time - 29 May 2019 - 17:15

Location - Green Office - Utrecht University
No entrance fee

‘Diversity’ is a buzzword in the world of education. But what does it actually mean and how to deal with diversity in the classroom ethically? The second edition of this talkshow stages an in-depth conversation with engaged teachers.

With Mark Swilling (Sustainability Institute, Stellenbosch University) we will talk about catering to the diversity in knowing from his long-term experience in connecting sustainability with questions of justice and equality in South Africa. Izabel Kapteijn and Fadoua Abou (IMC Weekendschool) will talk about the diversity in educational formats, based on recent programs developed for curious youngsters in Utrecht, co-developed by Utrecht University. Gönül Dilaver (Utrecht Medical Center, UU) will elaborate on her endeavour to embed diversity in the curriculum, responding to the ‘hidden curriculum’ that we all too often overlook. Finally, from his experience in a mixed classroom with students and policy makers, Peter Pelzer (Faculty of Geosciences, UU) will talk about diversity in learning objectives.

Panel: Mark Swilling, Izabel Kapteijn, Fadoua Abou, Gönül Dilaver and Peter Pelzer
Hosts: Jesse Hoffman and Astrid Mangnus

The panel will be set up interactively, with ample room for questions.