

The Emergency Department (ED) is open 24 hours a day to all patients (both adults and children) requiring some form of emergency care/treatment. We operate a fundamental principle whereby all patients are seen and treated.

A patient on a mobile bed is being transferred to an ambulance.

Route to the ED uitklapper, klik om te openen

Head for UMC Utrecht. Once there, follow the yellow traffic signs ‘Spoed / Emergency’ toward the rear of the building. The ED has its own car park for patients.

The ED can also be accessed through the main entrance to UMC Utrecht. Once you come into the hospital through the main entrance, follow the signs for ‘Spoed / Emergency’.

Heidelberglaan 100
Reception 1 (level 0), UMC Utrecht site

088 75 666 66

There is no Emergency Department (ED) within WKZ. Both children and adults are welcome at the ED on the UMC Utrecht site.

When should I come to the ED? uitklapper, klik om te openen

The Emergency Department (ED) is open 24 hours a day to all patients (both adults and children) requiring some form of emergency care/treatment. We operate a fundamental principle whereby all patients are seen and treated. 

Sometimes your physician will be of the opinion that you need to be referred to the ED to consult a specialist. You could also decide to come to the ED in an emergency.*

*Straight to ED

It may well be abundantly clear that you require urgent help. In such cases, you are entitled to come straight to ED without a referral from your physician. Examples include being injured in an accident or being too ill to wait for your family doctor to see you.

With regard to costs, your deductible does apply. If the bill exceeds your deductible, then these extra expenses will be reimbursed. Even if your health insurance company does not have a contract with the hospital.

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Working at UMC Utrecht



  • Call 112 or your general practitioner
  • Emergency?


Get in touch

  • 088 75 555 55


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