
dr. S. (Saskia) Haitjema

dr. S. (Saskia) Haitjema

Associate Professor
dr. S. (Saskia) Haitjema
  • Central Diagnostic Laboratory

Research Programs

Circulatory Health



dr. Saskia Haitjema (1988) is an associate professor at the Central Diagnostic Laboratory and head of the Utrecht Patient Oriented Database (UPOD). She studied Medicine and Linguistics at Utrecht University and obtained her PhD in Experimental cardiology in 2017. During her PhD she studied sex-differences in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease using large datasets, as a first step in precision medicine.

Her current research focuses on improving diagnostics using data analytics to further personalize healthcare. She collaborates in multidisciplinary teams to address diagnostic problems inside and outside the UMC Utrecht, specifically using a unique set of routine hematology characteristics. The processing of routine care data into meaningful data to create value using the learning healthcare system approach is one of the cornerstones of her lab.

Between 2017 and 2020, dr. Haitjema co-lead the corporate Applied Data Analytics in Medicine program of the UMC Utrecht (now: Digital health department). She has supervised three PhD candidates and currently supervises seven. She obtained research funding from ZonMw, HealthHolland and currently participates in six different European research and innovation projects.

As a (guest) lecturer for Utrecht University and the Dutch national Academy for Digitalization and Computerization, dr. Haitjema aims to demystify the current technological advances in artificial intelligence and digital health for students and Ministry staff. At the Dutch Research Council, dr. Haitjema participates in the VENI and Off-Road committees.

Dr. Haitjema aims to actively connect data scientists, healthcare professionals and researchers and established a vibrant data science community in the UMC Utrecht in the SIG Clinical Data Applications of the Focus Area Applied Data Science of Utrecht University. She is involved in strategic meetings and expert panels on digital health inside and outside the UMC Utrecht. With the Dutch Ministry of Health she developed an AI development tool for healthcare, including legislation and state-of-the-art practices.

Side Activities

Product Owner 'Hulpmiddel Handelingsruimte', programma Waardevolle AI voor Gezondheid (Ministerie VWS)

Voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dans- en Muziekgeneeskunde (NVDMG)

Research Output (104)

Asking informed consent may lead to significant participation bias and suboptimal cardiovascular risk management in learning healthcare systems

Zondag Anna G M, Groenhof T Katrien J, van der Graaf Rieke, van Solinge Wouter W, Bots Michiel L, Haitjema Saskia, , Emmelot-Vonk Marielle H Dec 2023, In: BMC Medical Research Methodology. 23 11 p.

Negation detection in Dutch clinical texts:an evaluation of rule-based and machine learning methods

van Es Bram, Reteig Leon C, Tan Sander C, Schraagen Marijn, Hemker Myrthe M, Arends Sebastiaan R S, Rios Miguel A R, Haitjema Saskia Dec 2023, In: BMC Bioinformatics. 24

The accumulation of erythrocytes quantified and visualized by Glycophorin C in carotid atherosclerotic plaque reflects intraplaque hemorrhage and pre-procedural neurological symptoms

Mekke Joost M, Sakkers Tim R, Verwer Maarten C, van den Dungen Noortje A M, Song Yipei, Miller Clint L, Finn Aloke V, Pasterkamp Gerard, Mokry Michal, den Ruijter Hester M, Vink Aryan, de Kleijn Dominique P V, de Borst Gert J, Haitjema Saskia, van der Laan Sander W Dec 2023, In: Scientific Reports. 13 15 p.

Design, validation and implementation of an automated e-alert for acute kidney injury:6-month pilot study shows increased awareness

Niemantsverdriet Michael S A, Tiel Groenestege Wouter M, Khairoun M, Hoefer Imo E, van Solinge Wouter W, Bellomo Domenico, van Vliet Martin H, Kaasjager Karin A H, Haitjema Saskia 27 Jul 2023, In: BMC Nephrology. 24

In-vitro and in-silico evidence for oxidative stress as drivers for RDW

Joosse Huibert Jan, van Oirschot Brigitte A., Kooijmans Sander A.A., Hoefer Imo E., van Wijk Richard A.H., Huisman Albert, van Solinge Wouter W., Haitjema Saskia 7 Jun 2023, In: Scientific Reports. 13

Characteristics of peripheral blood cells are independently related to major adverse cardiovascular events after carotid endarterectomy

Overmars L. Malin, Mekke Joost M., van Solinge Wouter W., De Jager Saskia C.A., Hulsbergen-Veelken Cornelia A.R., Hoefer Imo E., de Kleijn Dominique P.V., de Borst Gert J., van der Laan Sander W., Haitjema Saskia Jun 2023, In: Atherosclerosis Plus. 52 , p. 32-40 9 p.

Added diagnostic value of routinely measured hematology variables in diagnosing immune checkpoint inhibitor mediated toxicity in the emergency department

Niemantsverdriet Michael S A, Vrijsen Bram E L, Visser 't Hooft Therese, Suijkerbuijk Karijn P M, van Solinge Wouter W, Ten Berg Maarten J, Haitjema Saskia 19 Apr 2023, In: Cancer Medicine. 12 , p. 12462-12469 8 p.

Acht misvattingen over AI in de zorg

Jongsma Karin R., van Solinge Wouter W., Haitjema Saskia 13 Apr 2023, In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 167

Lipoproteins act as vehicles for lipid antigen delivery and activation of invariant natural killer T-cells

Engelen Suzanne E, Ververs Francesca A, Markovska Angela, Lagerholm B Christoffer, Kraaijenhof Jordan M, Yousif Laura Ie, Zurke Yasemin-Xiomara, Gulersonmez Can Mc, Kooijman Sander, Goddard Michael, van Eijkeren Robert J, Jervis Peter J, Besra Gurdyal S, Haitjema Saskia, Asselbergs Folkert W, Kalkhoven Eric, Ploegh Hidde L, Boes Marianne, Cerundolo Vincenzo, Hovingh G Kees, Salio Mariolina, Stigter Edwin Ca, Rensen Patrick Cn, Monaco Claudia, Schipper Henk S 28 Mar 2023, In: JCI Insight. 8

Optimizing cardiovascular risk assessment and registration in a developing cardiovascular learning health care system:Women benefit most

Groenhof T Katrien J, Haitjema Saskia, Lely A Titia, Grobbee Diederick E, Asselbergs Folkert W, Bots Michiel L, 8 Feb 2023, In: PLOS digital health. 2

All research output

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