
dr. F.S.S. (Frans) Leijten

dr. F.S.S. (Frans) Leijten

Assistant Professor

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Research Output (219)

Multimodal nocturnal seizure detection in children with epilepsy:a prospective, multicenter, long-term, in-home trial

van Westrhenen Anouk, Lazeron Richard H C, van Dijk Johannes P, Leijten Frans S S, Thijs Roland D, 17 May 2023, In: Epilepsia. 64 , p. 2137-2152 16 p.

Developmental trajectory of transmission speed in the human brain

van Blooijs Dorien, van den Boom Max A, van der Aar Jaap F, Huiskamp Geertjan M, Castegnaro Giulio, Demuru Matteo, Zweiphenning Willemiek J E M, van Eijsden Pieter, Miller Kai J, Leijten Frans S S, Hermes Dora 9 Mar 2023, In: Nature Neuroscience. 26 , p. 537-541 5 p.

Intraoperative electrocorticography using high-frequency oscillations or spikes to tailor epilepsy surgery in the Netherlands (the HFO trial):a randomised, single-blind, adaptive non-inferiority trial

Zweiphenning Willemiek, Klooster Maryse A.van t., van Klink Nicole E.C., Leijten Frans S.S., Ferrier Cyrille H., Gebbink Tineke, Huiskamp Geertjan, van Zandvoort Martine J.E., van Schooneveld Monique M.J., Bourez M., Goemans Sophie, Straumann Sven, van Rijen Peter C., Gosselaar Peter H., van Eijsden Pieter, Otte Willem M., van Diessen Eric, Braun Kees P.J., Zijlmans Maeike, Bloemen-Carlier Eltje M., Cibulková Veronika, de Munnink Renee, van der Salm Sandra, Eijkemans Martinus J.C., Ophorst-van Eck Janine M., Velders Anouk, van Asch Charlotte J.J., Zwemmer Jack, van Regteren-van Griethuysen Renate, Smeding Henriette, van der Berg Lydia, de Bresser Jeroen, de Kort Gérard A.P., Dankbaar Jan Willem, Nov 2022, In: The Lancet. Neurology. 21 , p. 982-993 12 p.

An automated electroencephalography algorithm to detect polymorphic delta activity in acute encephalopathy presenting as postoperative delirium

Ditzel Fienke L, Hut Suzanne Ca, Dijkstra-Kersten Sandra Ma, Numan Tianne, Leijten Frans Ss, van den Boogaard Mark, Slooter Arjen Jc 13 Sep 2022, In: Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 76 , p. 676-678 3 p.

Multimodal nocturnal seizure detection:Do we need to adapt algorithms for children?

Lazeron Richard H C, Thijs Roland D, Arends Johan, Gutter Thea, Cluitmans Pierre, Van Dijk Johannes, Tan Francis I Y, Hofstra Wytske, Donjacour Claire E H M, Leijten Frans, 6 Jun 2022, In: Epilepsia Open. 7 , p. 406-413 8 p.

Optimal timing of interictal FDG-PET for epilepsy surgery:A systematic review on time since last seizure

de Laat Nienke N., Tolboom Nelleke, Leijten Frans S.S. 2022, In: Epilepsia Open. 7 , p. 512-517 6 p.

A Practical Workflow for Organizing Clinical Intraoperative and Long-term iEEG Data in BIDS

Demuru Matteo, van Blooijs Dorien, Zweiphenning Willemiek, Hermes Dora, Leijten Frans, Zijlmans Maeike, 2022, In: Neuroinformatics. 20 , p. 727-736 10 p.

High-frequency oscillations recorded with surface EEG in neonates with seizures

Noorlag Lotte, van 't Klooster Maryse, van Huffelen Alexander, van Klink Nicole, Benders Manon, de Vries Linda, Leijten Frans, Jansen Floor E., Braun Kees, Zijlmans Maeike Nov 2021, In: Epilepsia. 62 , p. 114-115

High-resolution electric source imaging for presurgical evaluation of tuberous sclerosis complex patients

Mouthaan Brian E., Jansen Floor E., Colon Albert J., Huiskamp Geertjan M., van Eijsden Pieter, Leijten Frans S.S., Braun Kees P.J. 29 Oct 2021, In: Clinical Neurophysiology. 133 , p. 126-134 9 p.

Decoding four hand gestures with a single bipolar pair of electrocorticography electrodes

Verwoert Maxime, Vansteensel Mariska J., Freudenburg Zachary V., Aarnoutse Erik J., Leijten Frans S.S., Ramsey Nick F., Branco Mariana P. 4 Oct 2021, In: Journal of Neural Engineering. 18 , p. 1-10

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