In our allergy diagnostics we are using the most up-to-date developments in the field. Our tests are based on both serological tests on allergen-specific IgE as well as on the functional activation of effector cells. The platforms are the ImmunoCAP as well as ImmunCAP-ISAC in which we determine IgE, IgG4 or IgG binding to over 100 individual allergens in only 30 µl serum. By flow cytometric analysis of allergen-induced degranulation of basophilic granulocytes (BAT) we determine the functional interaction of allergen with IgE.

Allergy sources uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Food allergy
- Aero-allergens of plants and animals
- Allergy to madication
- Patient/producer-specific products
Techniques uitklapper, klik om te openen
- ImmunoCAP
- ImmunoCAP-ISAC
- Basofiel activation test (BAT)
- T-cell stimulation