Early Sepsis
The work by the Early Sepsis research group (under leadership of Karin Kaasjager and Jan Jelrik Oosterheert) is translational and focuses on early recognition, identification and optimized treatment of sepsis, especially in the emergency department (ED). A large observational cohort (SePsis in the ACutely ill patients in the Emergency department (SPACE) cohort) was started in 2016 and is still ongoing.

Research interests/topics uitklapper, klik om te openen
Our research in Infection & Immunity is translational and focused on early recognition, identification and optimized treatment of sepsis, especially in the emergency department (ED).
Furthermore, improvement and optimization of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in the ED, sepsis awareness, shared decision making, and education (sepsis care path and sepsis care network) have our full attention. Prediction is the cornerstone, via education, machine learning and (continuous) remote vital sign monitoring as clinical decision support systems.
Care will be throughout the emergency care chain and includes standardized clinical/laboratory monitoring. Collected data is used to create clinical, immunology and microbiology databases and biological samples are stored in a biobank. A large observational cohort (SePsis in the ACutely ill patients in the Emergency department (SPACE) cohort) started in 2016.
About the group leader(s) uitklapper, klik om te openen
Prof. dr. Karin Kaasjager
Prof. dr. Karin Kaasjager, trained as a medical doctor and nephrologist-intensivist, is now an acute physician and professor of acute internal medicine. She also is the director of internal medicine residency programme. She and her group actively participate in several (inter)national consortia, in the field of sepsis, trombosis and shared decision making.
Dr. Jan Jelrik Oosterheert
Dr. Jan Jelrik Oosterheert works as as an internist-infectiologist at UMC Utrecht. He received his MD degree in 2000 and his PhD in 2005 (both at Utrecht University). The title of his thesis was "Diagnosis and Treatment of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections: Strategies for Efficient Management".

Group members

Dr. Meriem Khairoun
Dr. Sonja van Roeden
PhD candidates:
Jan Willem Uffen
Titus de Hond
Harriët van Goor
Saskia Briedé
Collaborations uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Henri van Werkhoven, Department of Epidemiology; Julius Center Research Program Infectious Diseases, UMC Utrecht
- Hans Reitsma, Department of Epidemiology; Julius Center Research Program Methodology, UMC Utrecht
- Lisette Schoonhoven, Department of Public Health, Nursing Sciences; Julius Center Research Program Methodology, UMC Utrecht
- Dorien Zwart, Department of General Practice in Julius Center, UMC Utrecht
- Olaf Cremer, intensivist, Department of Intensive Care Medicine, UMC Utrecht
- Saskia Haitjema, Head of UPOD (Utrecht Patient Oriented Database), UMC Utrecht
- Leo Koenderman, Department of Experimental Pulmonary Diseases, UMC Utrecht
- Harry van Goor and Bas Bredie, Radboud Center of Remote Monitoring, RadboudUmc
In the media uitklapper, klik om te openen
- September 21, 2019 - NOS.nl - Karin Kaasjager
Jaarlijks duizenden doden door sepsis, problemen met herkenning - September 21, 2019 - NPO Radio 1 NOS Radio 1 Journaal - Karin Kaasjager
Item over herkenning van sepsis (item tussen 55.06 min - 1.03.15) - September 21, 2019 - NPO1 NOS Journaal - Karin Kaasjager
Item over herkennen van sepsis (item tussen 20.06.00 en 20.08.26 uur) - September 22, 2019 - Margriet.nl - Karin Kaasjager
Jaarlijks overlijden duizenden mensen aan sepsis, hoe herken je het? - February 12, 2020 - NU.nl - Karin Kaasjager
Sepsis: belangrijke doodsoorzaak, maar lastig te herkennen - May 16, 2021 - NOS.nl - Karin Kaasjager
Vier op de vijf kennen dodelijke aandoening sepsis niet: zo herken je het
Photo/video gallery uitklapper, klik om te openen
Karin Kaasjager about the role of acute internal medicine at the emergency department
Contact information uitklapper, klik om te openen
Prof. dr. Karin Kaasjager
+31 (0)88-7567967