
Medical Imaging & Image Analysis

The Medical Imaging group of the UMC Utrecht Center for Image Sciences (CIS) has a broad expertise in medical image formation, analysis and visualization.

Research field uitklapper, klik om te openen

The research mission of the group is to design, develop, evaluate, and apply imaging-based technologies to reliably detect pathology and pathophysiology at an early stage, to improve patient diagnosis and prognosis, and to guide interventions for increased treatment efficiency and effectiveness. The research themes are tuned to the interests of the principal investigators. The present-day spectrum of research activities comprises generic areas as computational imaging physics (MRI, nuclear, X-ray), image reconstruction, image registration, and quantitative image analysis, as well as more specific themes as diffusion MRI analysis and visualization, nutritional neuroimaging , and translational breast cancer image analysis.

Image Analysis

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Education uitklapper, klik om te openen

The group offers a graduate educational program in medical imaging, with lectures and seminars, and with courses on medical image formation, image processing, and advanced MR physics.  The objective is to train and supervise PhD candidates to attain the level of qualified and independent researchers by the highest international standards.

Collaboration uitklapper, klik om te openen

The medical imaging group has a tradition of close collaboration with and translation to clinical and industrial partners. Public-private partnerships exist with many industrial companies, including notably long-lasting alliances with Philips Healthcare and Pie Medical Imaging. Cooperation with clinical disciplines naturally focusses within the CIS on radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiotherapy, but in addition strong ties exist with neurology, neurosurgery, orthopedics, pathology, and rheumatology. The group has successfully transferred medical imaging knowledge, methodology, software and technology to its clinical and industrial collaborators.

The medical imaging group is better known as Image Sciences Institute.

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