National collaboration
UMC Utrecht is a University Medical Center. In the Netherlands there are eight of these centers. An UMC offers a combination of care, education and research. Because UMC Utrecht believes it is important to bring our research to the patient, UMC Utrecht is collaborating with industrial partners like Philips and TU/e; a research university specialized in engineering science and technology.

Netherlands Centre of One Health-AMR uitklapper, klik om te openen
Research on antimicrobial resistance is performed by the Netherlands Center for One Health-AntiMicrobialResistance (NCOH-AMR), a virtual research center of dutch knowledge institutions.
Founded by University Medical Center Utrecht, University Utrecht and Wageningen UR, NCOH-AMR brings together top level dutch knowledge and research on antimicrobial resistance in the domains of life sciences, medicine, veterinary medicine, animal sciences and environmental sciences. NCOH-AMR aims to make a substantial contribution to solving the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance. The common strategic research agenda promotes multidisciplinary, translational research, spanning the entire spectrum from fundamental research to clinical studies on patients. Read more in the press release.
NCOH-AMR is part of the Netherlands Centre of One Health (NCOH).
Eindhoven University of Technology uitklapper, klik om te openen
In 2011, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht started a strategic alliance. With this partnership UMC Utrecht wants to promote innovation in research, education and patient care. UMC Utrecht is working more closely with TU/e on mainly two themes: medical imaging and regenerative medicine including stem cells.
TU/e has the technical knowledge for developing medical equipment, but needs UMC Utrecht for studying whether it is of any benefit to the patients. Conversely, the specialists at UMC Utrecht need the knowledge and the research facilities of TU/e for practical implementation of their ideas about new treatment methods.
Besides working together on research, UMC Utrecht and TU/e also offer joint education. Guest lecturers are teaching at both institutes and professors are appointed to work in Eindhoven and Utrecht.
NFU uitklapper, klik om te openen
All eight University Medical Centers in the Netherlands work together within the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (Nederlandse Federatie van Universitair Medische Centra) (NFU). The NFU promotes the common interests of the centers and strives for the continuity of care and safety for patients with often serious and rare diseases difficult to treat. The centers have made a major contribution to the translation of research results into clinical practice, the so-called translational research.