
Education Implementation course

Starting a partial qualification as a university teacher

The Implementation Education course (in Dutch Uitvoeren van Onderwijs) comprises relevant didactic training fitting to the competence areas of the Education Implementation partial qualification. This is an intermediate step on the way to a full UTQ (University Teaching Qualification). The Implementation Education course lasts a total of six half-days plus a ‘coaching by peers’ meeting of two hours (to be scheduled). These teacher trainings are spread out over about 8 months. The language of instruction during the training is English. In addition, substantial experience is required in the Implementation Education competence areas: implementation of various forms of education and supervision of individual students. See teaching experience requirements UTQ part certificate qualification. With a teaching assignment of 0.1 to 0.2 FTE on an annual basis, sufficient experience has been gained on average after at least 3 years.

Why would you choose the Education Implementation Course? uitklapper, klik om te openen


  • In this didactic training trajectory, all competence areas of the Implementation Education partial qualification are covered.
  • There is a strong connection between the participants, and they form a network because they work together during the course.
  • There is (interprofessional) learning by jointly carrying out assignments and discussing learning questions.
  • The dates and the program are fixed. The assignments and deadlines encourage the candidate to obtain the Implementation Education partial qualification within a year.
  • The Implementation Education course can be used as didactic training prior to the full UTQ. At least an additional 4 half-days are then required for a full UTQ.


  • The dates and program are fixed. This structure offers less freedom of choice in the planning of the didactic training subjects and training courses to be followed. This could make it less suitable for the individual training needs of the participants.
  • Candidates are expected to be present every day of the course. Even if you have already followed training in the didactic field. In terms of planning, it demands a consultation with scheduler, manager and coordination with any other obligations by the participant.

Learning objective uitklapper, klik om te openen

The Education Implementation Course is based on the University Teaching Qualification competences of the competence area ‘Teaching and supporting learning' from the UTQ competence levels drawn up by the UU targets of Utrecht University. At the end of the course:

  • You will have gained didactic knowledge and applied this in one's own work setting and/or practice situations in the field of implementation of various forms of education and supervision of individual students.
  • You created a portfolio that reflects on how the acquired didactic knowledge (related to the Education Implementation competence areas) has been put into practice, the didactic choices made or to be made (related to the UTQ competence areas). These choices should be substantiated as much as possible by means of scientific research, theoretical models and/or experience, personal strengths and points for development as a teacher.

Program uitklapper, klik om te openen

The preparation for each meeting consists of reading background literature and viewing online material, as well as practical assignments in educational practice and reflection assignments. This also means that you actually have to teach during the course in your own teaching practice!

  • Didactic training sessions: During the sessions, the theory will be further deepened and applied in assignments and practice situations. The following topics will be covered:
    • General didactics and design of education (1 half day)
    • Small group education (2 half days)
    • Activating teaching methods (1 half day)
    • Supervising of individual students at the workplace (1 half day)
    • Presentation and video reflection (1 half day)
  • Coaching by peers meeting (in Dutch intervisie) of two hours guided by the trainer
  • Integration assignments: after the meetings, assignments are given to promote further transfer of what has been taught and learned during the training session into one's own teaching practice.

When participating in the course, full attendance off all days is expected of participants and it is necessary in order to obtain the certificate. Since something unexpected can happen, you can compensate for a maximum of half a day through a replacement assignment that requires a comparable time investment.

Time investment uitklapper, klik om te openen

In terms of time investment, you should count on the following:

  1. Attending all training days (total 1 full day and 4 half days = ± 24 hours)
  2. Read background information/view online material ( ± 1 hour per day = 6 hours)
  3. Carrying out assignments (± 2 hours per part of the day = 12 hours)
  4. Participate in the peer coaching meeting (± 2 hours) with fellow participants and supervised by a trainer

NB Gaining relevant teaching experience and writing the Education Implementation portfolio are not included in this estimated time investment.

Accreditation uitklapper, klik om te openen

There is (yet) no accreditation for this course. This course can be used as didactic training for the UTQ.

Register uitklapper, klik om te openen

To be able to participate in the course, you must register for an individual intake interview. During the intake interview, it will be assessed whether this course is relevant and feasible for you (or whether another route to a sub-qualification for Education Implementation might be more suitable). You must then register for the course (see button below) and submit the following documents:

  • Personal CV including professional background, work experience and teaching experience; this is also part of the portfolio to be put together and serves for the trainers to estimate which participants they have in the group and where they still need to gain experience.
  • Agreement signed by the candidate and his direct manager (form); with this form we want to ensure that when you participate in this course within the division, in addition to attending all training meetings, you also have the opportunity to carry out the requested assignments. After receiving your signed agreement (including cost center number), participation is final.

The dates of the course are listed on the registration form.


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