Watch the documentary: the journey of an interdisciplinary research team

An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Structures of Strength project, including colleagues from UMC Utrecht and Utrecht University, has been followed by a camera crew for the past year. And that did not just happen. In fact, the team worked together in an unusual way and even received a grant to do so. It resulted in the documentary 1+1=3. You can come and watch it soon.
For a year, the camera crew followed the team of the Structures of Strength project, which received an Unusual Collaborations grant in January 2022 to work together interdisciplinarily in a special way during the project. Something many researchers would like to do in practice, but which is quite difficult in academia due to competition and high productivity.
The journey of a research team
In addition, training of academics is directed towards knowing and sending, rather than questioning and listening, both key elements of interdisciplinary research. The documentary gives insight in the journey of a research team that is supported by the alliance TU/e, WUR, UU, UMC Utrecht (EWUU). Despite their enthusiasm and the availability of funding, the group runs into a lack of recognition and reward for their ground-breaking work. And they learn that it takes a specific set of skills to make their collaborative work meaningful and effective. 1+1=3 takes you on a journey with this research team and the alliance’ Centre for Unusual Collaborations, to explore barriers as well as ways to overcome them.

Sign up for movie night
At UMC Utrecht, we will show the film on 5 October during Research Day. But even before then, you are welcome to come and watch this documentary with colleagues at various dates and locations to hear more about these barriers and challenges. The film lasts half an hour, after which there will be an opportunity to discuss (your own experience with) interdisciplinary cooperation. Make a note in your diary and register:
Location | Date | Time |
Universiteit Utrecht Alliantiekantoor, Vening Meineszgebouw C | 14 September | 4.00 - 5.00 pm (entrance from 3.30 pm) |
UMC Utrecht Blauwe Collegezaal, Heidelberglaan 100 | 5 October
| 6.00 - 7.00 pm (entrance from 5.30 pm) |
Sneak preview
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Learn more about unusual collaborations? Go to the Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo) website.
Alliance EWUU and Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo)
The Centre for Unusual Collaborations, part of the alliance between Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and University Medical Center Utrecht, has the mission to facilitate unusual collaborations.
Future generations face unprecedented challenges; climate change, resource depletion, socio-economic and health inequalities. Systemic structural transitions are urgently needed.
The next big innovations for societal impact are to be found through unusual collaborations in research: through the interactions that push us outside our disciplinary comfort zones, and encourage us to think differently about problems and possibly solutions.