
Epidemiology of Sepsis & Inflammation

Epidemiology of Sepsis & Inflammation

Group Cremer-Derde Infection & Immunity

This group combines expertise on infections and inflammation in critically ill patients with a strong focus on epidemiological and methodological aspects of clinical research. Advanced statistics are used to study risk factors and mortality related to (nosocomial) infections as well as complications of sepsis. Novel molecular markers are used together with state-of-the-art epidemiological approaches to distinguish true infection from sterile inflammation, allowing for faster and more accurate diagnosis of infection as well as improved prognostication of critically ill patients in the ICU and/or patients in a postoperative setting. This group has expertise in innovative clinical trials in sepsis and inflammation.

Research interests / topics uitklapper, klik om te openen

We aim to improve early diagnosis and risk stratification of nosocomial infections occurring in critically ill and/or postoperative patients by using advanced mathematical modeling and novel biomarkers. Furthermore, we aim to advance the personalized management of sepsis and inflammation by studying novel treatments using adaptive platform trial design and a Bayesian statistical framework. Specific focus areas include:

  • Diagnostic uncertainty and early detection of sepsis
  • Attributable morbidity and mortality of (nosocomial) infections
  • Decision support for diagnosis and treatment of sepsis
  • New treatments for community-acquired pneumonia
  • Personalized medicine approaches

Keywords: Sepsis, inflammation, epidemiology, intensive care, critically ill patients, infection, biorepository, MARS, PLUTO, REMAP-CAP

About the group leader(s) uitklapper, klik om te openen

Prof. Olaf Cremer MD, PhD

Olaf Cremer (1971) was trained as an anesthesiologist, intensivist and clinical epidemiologist. He has worked as a consultant in the department of intensive care medicine of the UMC Utrecht since 2007. Since 2010 he has been studying the clinical epidemiology of infections in the ICU and/or the postoperative setting. He is one of the PI's of the MARS consortium, a multicenter collaboration aimed at developing new molecular technologies for early diagnosis and risk stratification of sepsis. More recently he initiated the PLUTO project, a longitudinal biorepository of patients undergoing elective surgery at UMC Utrecht.

Dr. Lennie Derde

Dr. Lennie Derde MD, PhD

Lennie Derde (1976) was trained as an internist, infectious diseases specialist and clinical epidemiologist before becoming an intensivist. She has worked as a consultant in the department of intensive care medicine of the UMC Utrecht since 2013. She has been involved in clinical trials in the field of infectious diseases, focusing on critically ill patients, since 2006. She is the European PI and the international trial steering committee chair of REMAP-CAP, a global adaptive platform trial aimed at finding the best treatment for community acquired pneumonia, including COVID-19.


Funding & Grants

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Collaborations uitklapper, klik om te openen

Molecular Diagnosis and Risk Stratification of Sepsis (MARS) consortium, a collaboration with the Amsterdam UMC

REMAP-CAP study group, part of the European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases (ECRAID) initiative – Learn more

Perioperative longitudinal study of complications and long-term outcomes (PLUTO) study group, a collaboration between anesthesia and surgery departments in the UMC Utrecht  

Anesthesia Geriatric Evaluation (AGE) study group, a collaboration with St. Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein

Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics in Sepsis study group, a collaboration with Hecklab Utrecht

In the media uitklapper, klik om te openen

April 25, 2021 - VPRO Argos Medialogica - Lennie Derde
Analyse van REMAP-CAP laat zien dat hydroxychloroquine niet effectief is bij patienten met COVID-19 de IC

January 22, 2021 - - Lennie Derde
REMAP-CAP laat zien dat hoge dosis bloedverdunners effectief is bij COVID-19 patienten die niet de IC liggen

November 19, 2020 - - Lennie Derde
REMAP-CAP laat zien dat IL6-remmer tocilizumab is effectief is bij ernstig zieke patienten met COVID-19 op de IC

Contact information

Contact information regarding internships at this research group:

Prof. dr. Olaf Cremer

T +31 88-7561128


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