
Group Booes, Optimizing immune recognition

Group Boes Infection & Immunity
Image of a research detail

My lab explores mechanisms that drive immune recognition in human disease. It is becoming increasingly clear that many diseases have an inflammatory component to them that may be treatable by immune response modification. Cancer is one such disease, that touches on many aspects of immune recognition. Our approach to finding mechanisms in human disease is to study common traits in diseases of limited complexity (primary immunodeficiencies presenting with autoinflammation) and conditions of increasing complexity (rheumatoid disorders, cancer). From 2003-2008, my laboratory was located at Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, USA. Since 2008, we are located at UMC-Utrecht.

Research interests / topics uitklapper, klik om te openen

  • Immunology
  • Antigen presentation
  • Immune recognition
  • Human disease
  • Pediatric

About the group leader(s) uitklapper, klik om te openen

Marianne Boes is chair of the Young Academy of the UMC Utrecht and board member of the Center for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo; working group of the Young Academies of the Strategic Alliance between TU-Eindhoven, Wageningen, Utrecht University and UMC-Utrecht). Boes is Faculty of Medicine-biomedical sciences member of the Education Committee of the Graduate School of Life Sciences (EC-LS), and serves as coordinator of the course 'Advanced Immunology' for PhD students, and the MSc course Logical Argumentation in Science: Publishing, Proposals and Pitching (co-coordinating with Dr. Eric Kalkhoven). Outside activities include her role as editor for several immunology and immunotherapy journals, membership of ZonMw evaluation committees and of data safety monitoring boards for clinical studies. She thoroughly enjoys to meet and learn from researchers, patients and societal partners in different fields. She works actively to improve the involvement of patients and their perspectives in translational research.

Related websites

Boes lab

Group members

Photo group Boes

Associated clinical researchers

  • Henk Schipper
  • Lilly Verhagen
  • Joris van Montfrans
  • Roger Schutgers
  • Friederike Meyer-Wentrup 

PhD Students

  • Sarah Schep
  • Francesca Ververs
  • Bas Smits
  • Mischa Koenen
  • Juliette Pouw
  • Nila Servaas
  • Patrick Greve
  • Angela Markovska 
  • Niels van Heusden

Education / Courses uitklapper, klik om te openen

Educational Comittee Life Sciences

Since 2017, Marianne Boes is a staff member of the Educational Comittee Life Sciences that assesses and ensures the quality of education of the master's programmes within the Graduate School of Life Sciences.


Funding & Grants


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Collaborations uitklapper, klik om te openen

van Creveldkliniek

Prof Dr Roger Schutgens, Dr. Kathelijn Fischer

Princes Maxima Centrum voor Kinderoncologie

Dr. Friederike Meyer-Wentrup

UU Veterinary Department

Prof. Dr. Willem Stoorvogel

Molecular Cancer Research

Dr. Eric Kalkhoven

Boston Children's Hospital

Prof. Dr. Hidde Ploegh

In the media uitklapper, klik om te openen

Contact information

Marianne Boes


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