Societal Relevance - Center for Image Sciences
The Division of Imaging has a strong position in the field of public-private partnerships. The innovative strength of the division is reflected in a large number of long-term partnerships with the industry (Philips, Elekta). Additionally spinoff companies arise that take care of the further exploitation of research (MR Coils B.V., Quirem medical). Most innovations that find their way from the UMCU whether through industrial cooperation to the market are initiated from the basic research within the Division and the questioning from the clinic.
Industrial Partners uitklapper, klik om te openen
UMC Utrecht and Philips have a long history of collaboration and have developed groundbreaking medical technologies for a broad range of applications in radiology, cardiology, neurology and oncology. This has resulted in many successful innovations in body scanning technologies. Aim of the collaboration with Philips is finding new solutions for diagnosis, research and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, brain disease, cancer, muscle and bone disease and lung disease.
Elekta is a Swedish human care company providing radiation therapy, radiosurgery, brachytherapy, related equipment and clinical management for the treatment of cancer and brain disorders. Collaboration of UMC Utrecht, Elekta en Philips resulted in the development of a clinical system capable of capturing highly detailed MR images of tumors and surrounding normal tissues as a patient receives radiotherapy. The high-field MRI-guided linear accelerator, also known als the MR-LINAC, is installed in April 2014 and operates since (....)
Spin-offs uitklapper, klik om te openen
Quirem medical
Quirem Medical is a spin-off company from the University Medical Center Utrecht that specializes in the research & development, manufacturing and commercialisation of QuiremSpheres® for radioembolization. The corporation between UMCU and Quirem medical resulted in the development of Holmium-166 microspheres, the first radioactive microspheres that can be visualised in vivo on multimodal imaging and that are used for the treatment of unresectable tumors in the liver.
MR Coils B.V.
MR coils BV is a spin-off company of the UMCU that translates recent innovations of the 7 Tesla group, embedded in the Center for Image Sciences (CIS), into solutions for (Medical) research centers that wish to image tissue with unlimited details. Using the latest innovations in MRI detectors (coils), MR coils can customize the hardware to maximize imaging performance of any MRI study. Keeping close contact with the researchers, while having the capacity of well trained personel and fabrication tools, fast prototyping of solutions can be realized. In collaboration with CIS, some of these solutions have enabled for example metabolism imaging during chemotherapy, functional imaging of the brain at columnar resolution, and preclinical MRI.