Update on U-TASK collaboration

University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) and TASK Research International B.V. (TASK) signed a collaboration agreement in 2022. This collaboration, called U-TASK, combines the experience from both institutions to create a singular Phase 1 unit at UMC Utrecht. Leveraging the collective expertise and resources of these two renowned organizations, the agreement assists in the acceleration of the development of novel therapies and treatments for parents.
U-TASK benefits patients, contributes to the scientific community by generating valuable data and insights as well as provides agility in negotiations with commercial sponsors. UMC Utrecht clinicians will provide direct patient care within the hospital setting for various visits during the trials, ensuring optimal patient outcomes, while TASK will assume responsibility for trial coordination and management, guaranteeing quality and integrity throughout the process. TASK has also specifically been mandated by UMC Utrecht board to be the primary contracting party with any and all commercial sponsors placing Phase 1 trials at UMC Utrecht.
The vision is that under the banner of U-TASK, the Phase 1 unit will be recognized as a center of excellence in Utrecht, and The Netherlands. We look forward to engaging with you as U-TASK in working together to deliver your compound with the help of our vast research team.
U-TASK - Your academic partner in early-phase clinical research
More info? Contact:
- Prof.dr. Peter W.M, Hermans – UMC Utrecht and U-TRIAL - P.W.M.Hermans-5@umcutrecht.nl
- Johann de Bruyn – TASK Research International B.V. - johann.db@task.org.za
In the picture, from left to right: John Timmermohr, Peter Hermans, Melissa Mitchell, Jolize Gerber, Leo van den Heuvel.