U-TRIAL (Utrecht TRial Innovation ALliance)
U-TRIAL is the knowledge and expertise center that focuses on strengthening the clinical trial ecosystem within UMC Utrecht. By driving quality improvements, accelerating innovations and increasing cooperation with both internal and external stakeholders, U-TRIAL helps bring clinical trial research to a new standard. Whether you’re a researcher, Contract Research Organization (CRO), pharmaceutical company, medical devices company or a diagnostics company – U-TRIAL is your partner for excellent clinical research.
What U-TRIAL has to offer uitklapper, klik om te openen
U-TRIAL is deeply rooted in the six Strategic Research Programs of the UMC Utrecht. By working with U-TRIAL, you will have the opportunity to benefit from the strong research culture with the UMC Utrecht, especially focused on clinical trials. These opportunities include:
I. Access to excellent UMC Utrecht clinical research
We connect interested parties to established Principal Investigators (PIs) and young research talent who are experts in their field across our six strategic research programs (Brain, Infection & Immunity, Circulatory Health, Cancer, Child Health, and Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cells). Each strategic research program is represented within U-TRIAL via a Trial & Innovation Lead (TIL).
II. Access to well-characterized patient populations
We facilitate access to vast, well-defined patient populations. In 2023, UMC Utrecht cared for 235.433 unique patients. We also have an extensive collection of clinical data as well as a vast collection of unique biological specimens, contained in a biobank.
III. Increased cooperation
We initiate and maintain close relationships with Contract Research Organizations (CROs), pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
IV. U-TASK Phase 1 Unit
Collaboration between U-TRIAL and TASK: a singular Phase 1 unit for all UMC Utrecht strategic medical research programs. Currently fully operational, unique in the Netherlands. Read more about this ground-breaking innovation here.
V. High-quality trials
At present, some 300 trials are in progress at the UMC Utrecht. U-TRIAL plays and has played a key role in the acquisition, start up and execution of a large portion of these trials.
VI. Access to networks
We coordinate multiple regional, national and international medical investigator networks, enhancing both initiation and efficient performance of clinical trials.
Team and organisation uitklapper, klik om te openen

Peter Gisberts
Managing Director U-TRIAL

Rosalie van den Boogaard
Project Manager U-TRIAL

Mira Zuidgeest
Trial and Innovation Lead Circulatory Health

Carla Pieterman
Trial and Innovation Lead Cancer

Leonard van den Berg
Trial and Innovation Lead Brain

Peter Hermans
Trial and Innovation Lead Infection & Immunology

Ward van Beers
Trial & Innovation Lead Child Health

Ron de Winter
Trial and Innovation Lead Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell

Peter van de Ven
U-TRIAL Trial Methodology Lead
Contact uitklapper, klik om te openen
Interested to learn what U-TRIAL can do for you? Contact us via u-trial@umcutrecht.nl
News uitklapper, klik om te openen
U-TRIAL: We Connect – Explore Our Annual Report 2024
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U-TRIAL and innovations in trial methodology
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U-TRIAL Support Paves the Way for UMC Utrecht’s Role in Groundbreaking Stem Cell Heart Study
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Empowering PIs through collaboration, education and innovation
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U-TRIAL, we connect by standardizing and harmonizing trial budgets
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U-TRIAL supports promising consortium initiatives
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Peter Gisberts on choosing the Netherlands for clinical trials
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Update on U-TASK collaboration
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Workshop pharmaceutical companies
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Phase 1 unit launched
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